Run for your life.


Things You Should’ve Noticed Around Town, Had You Been Paying Attention

(This post could also be called "Things most people don't care about because they're not participating in this race and/or they've never done event management so they have no respect for what it takes to get all this *@#! in place, but I am and I have so I do.")
The following things added to my excitement yesterday:

Barricades dropped off at Capitol and Woodlane.

Starting line area fenced.

A plethora of portapotties arrived.

More barricades at the finish line area.

Finish line fence ready to be built.

The Health & Fitness Expo opened.

Whoever puts this event together along has a huge job to do and I am so glad it's not me. There is an elaborate racer check-in area (that's Hobbit and Tom working the booth in the photos), plus 40 or so vendors, a free massage room, and lots and lots and lots of people who are as freaked out as I am. I volunteered at the Expo yesterday from about 1-6 p.m. It was a lot of fun to see teammates, co-workers, and friends as they checked in. I also got a free shirt. Because I needed more t-shirts.

When I got home and sat down to read the paper, here was just one more thing to increase my excitement.

This is the long, long Saturday wait. One day to go.


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