Live Finish Line Webcam!
Local news outlet Fox 16 is planning to have a live video webcam on the finish line tomorrow from approximately 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a new feature, so I have no idea if it will be anything of quality worth logging on for, but here's the address just in case:
I can't predict exactly when I'll get there, in part because I have no idea how long after 8 a.m. it will take the middle of the pack to get up to the starting line. Last year it took about two full minutes. So, if the day goes well, I'm shooting for anything under a 4:30 finish, meaning I'll arrive at the finish around 12:30 p.m.
There are a million variables that could affect my time, most of which I'm trying not to think about. The main worries right now are wind--it is blowing 21 mph today--and also drinking too much and getting a sloshy stomach as I did in my first race. Injury, illness, bathroom issues are also on the list. It will piss me off if I have to wait in line for a portapotty during the race. The clock keeps ticking, you know?
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