Run for your life.


Out of the Way

The lack of posts isn't because I haven't been running. It's because I have.

From Saturday, 1.6.06:
Team run, 10 from the Art Center. About a zillion people showed up for an easy outing in nice weather (50's, overcast, no wind). I heard today that the sign-in sheet showed 180; that plus those who never sign in puts the crowd over 200 for the day. Tom was out of town, I never saw Chris, and in all those people I didn't really find anyone that I knew who was running my pace, so I headed out alone. Thought I'd take advantage of the easy distance by making it an easy run at my own pace.

You'd think I would have learned my lesson last year, when on the 20-miler training day a buddy and I accidentally went 22: We followed people in front of us instead of following our printed directions, giving us an extra 2 in North Little Rock. (Which we realized at about mile 4, making for a tough day physically and mentally). Well, on Saturday a few of us missed our turn on 16th and found ourselves running west on busy Daisy Bates.

Just as I was thinking "This is new," I heard chatter behind me from some other regulars, saying, "We've never gone this way before." We quickly got it straightened out by cutting over to 16th, and only ended up going a few blocks out of the way.

The rest of the run was uneventful. I caught up with the Miller family and crew down on the NLR River Trail and chased them a while, which was a good pick-up-the-pace exercise.

1:38. Ten miles seems so short these days.


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